Helbine Posters

Four choices of posters with your favorite Helbine art

Available as 18" x 12" glossy posters:

A typical day down on The Track of Banda City, complete with reckless driving! Available on DriveThru RPG.

Though The Ring is responsible for maintaining the Interstellar Coalition’s telepathic network in Banda City and beyond, it doubles as the city’s water fabricator and source of an extravagant water feature. Available on DriveThru RPG.

Between the constant traffic and exports, the Spaceport is the primary source of the Kortan Corporation’s seemingly infinite wealth. Available on DriveThru RPG.

Certain forms of The Mold are considered cute, but all are highly dangerous. This poster features the Herald, Harbinger, Hulk, and a baby Harbinger to lure you in. Available on DriveThru RPG.

Order all four posters in this bundle and save! Available on DriveThru RPG.

Want to support the Helbine setting and Goblin Society Games? Maybe you just want to decorate with some cool sci-fi art? Well one of these Helbine posters is a relatively inexpensive and fun way to do so!

Note that all posters come folded once for shipping (but experience shows it smooths out nicely).

I admit I mostly just wanted some of these for my own office. But like the description says, if you want to support us and the Helbine setting a poster is a fun way to do just that.

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